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Voytitsky Victor Ivanovich

Department of Mathematical Analysis
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics

Vice head of the department on the scientific questions
Member of organizing committee of the International Conference KROMSH
Head of the Young Scientists Council of mathematics and informatics faculty


Hobby: music, philosophy, literature, walking tours.
e-mail: victor.voytitsky@gmail.com


Short biography: I was born in March 28, 1986 in the town Dzhankoj (Crimea). In 2002 I graduated with honors Simferopol’s Secondary School 17. In 2007 I graduated with honors as magister of mathematics at Taurida National University. Since 2007 till 2009 I was a post graduate student of math analysis department of TNU. Since 2009 I’m assistant of math analysis department of TNU. In September, 15, 2010, I successfully defended my PhD work "Boundary Value Problems with Spectral Parameter in Equations and Boundary Conditions".


Science interests:
-- Spectral problems of math physics with spectral parameter in boundary conditions.
-- Abstract Green’s formula and abstract scheme of consideration boundary value problems.
-- Linear boundary value problems with dynamic boundary conditions.
-- Asymptotic behavior of differential operators.
-- General theory of elliptic boundary value problems.
-- Computer modeling and numerical solutions of boundary value problems of math physics.

Results of researches:
-- It is studied the properties of spectrum and basis in problems, generated by different statements of liberalized Stefan problems (with classical and modified condition).
-- It is considered the mathematical model of small motions of a heavy super fluid in an open vessel. Spectral properties and theorem on existence and uniqueness are obtained. It is considered also the spectral properties of some mechanical and hydro dynamical transmission problems with dynamic boundary conditions.
-- Jointly with Kopachevsky N.D. and Starkov P.A., I study the abstract scheme of consideration boundary value transmission problems (on the basis of Abstract Green’s formulae).


Participation in competitions:
2002 - II Award in all Crimean Schools Olympiad on mathematics;
2003, 2004 – Participant of all Ukrainian students Olympiads on mathematics (Lvov, LNU);
2007 – Winner of the All Ukrainian competition of students’ science works (Donetsk, DonNU).

Participation in conferences:

    -- XVI--XX Crimean Autumn Mathematical Schools-symposiums (Laspi-Batilimanm, Ukraine, September 2005-2009);

    -- All Ukrainian science conference of young scientists and students on differential equations in honor of centenary of Ya.B. Lopatinsky (Donetsk, Ukraine, December, 6-7, 2006);

    -- International conference ``Modern Analysis and Applications (MAA-07)'' in honor of centenary of  M.G. Krein (Odessa, Ukraine, April, 9-11, 2007);

    -- International conference ``Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation (NPDE-2007)'', in honor of Acad. I.V. Skrypnyk (Yalta, Ukraine, September, 10-15, 2007 г.);

    -- Voronezh Winter Mathematical School-symposium in honor of 90 anniversary of S.G. Krein (Voroezh, Russia, January, 24-30, 2008);

    -- International conference ``Tarapov’s readings'' (Kharkov, Ukraine, April, 21-25, 2008);

    -- International conference of young scientists on differential equations in the name of Ya.B. Lopatinsky (Donetsk, Ukraine, November, 11-14, 2008);

    -- International conference ``Modern problems in mathematics and applications'' in honor of 70-anniversary of Acad. V.A. Sadovnichiy (Moscow, Russia, March, 30 – April, 2 2009);

    -- Ukrainian Math Congress-2009, in honor of 100-anniversary og N.N. Bogolubov (Kiev, Ukraine, August. 27-29. 2009);

-- Summer School on Indefinite Dimensional Operator Matrices (Berlin Technical University, Germany, July 2010);

    -- IWOTA-2010 (Berlin Technical University, Germany, July 2010);


Main publications (in original languages):

1) Войтицкий В.И. Абстрактная спектральная задача Стефана / В.И. Войтицкий // Ученые записки Таврического национального университета им. В.И.~Вернадского. Cерия ``Математика. Механика. Информатика и Кибернетика''. -- 2006. -- Т. 19(58), № 2. -- C. 20--28.

2) Войтицкий В.И. О спектральных задачах, порожденных линеаризованной задачей Стефана с условиями Гиббса-Томсона / В.И. Войтицкий // Нелинейные граничные задачи. -- 2007. -- Т. 17. -- С. 31--49.

3) Три спектральные гидродинамические задачи о собственных колебаниях  системы идеальных жидкостей в цилиндрическом сосуде / В.И. Войтицкий, М.А. Имрякова, Н.Д. Копачевский [и др.] // Ученые записки Таврического национального университета им. В.И. Вернадского. Серия «Математика. Механика. Информатика и кибернетика». — 2008. – Т. 21 (60), № 1. – С. 10-22.

4) Kopachevsky N.D. On the Modified Spectral Stefan Problem and Its Abstract Generalizations / N.D. Kopachevsky, V.I. Voytitsky //Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Basel(Switzerland): Birkhauser Verlag. -- 2009. -- Vol. 191. -- P. 373-386.

5) Войтицкий В.И. Вспомогательные абстрактные краевые задачи и задачи сопряжения / В.И. Войтицкий, Н.Д. Копачевский, П.А. Старков //~Современная математика. Фундаментальные направления. -- 2009. Т. 34. -- С. 5-44.

6) Войтицкий В.И. О спектральной задаче, возникающей в механике манипуляционных роботов / В.И. Войтицкий, М.Ю. Злобина, Е.П. Кубышкин // Моделирование и анализ информационных систем (Ярославль, Россия). -- 2009. -- Т. 16., № 3. -- С. 22-28.

7) Войтицкий В.И. О спектральной задаче, порожденной модифицированной и классической задачами Стефана / В.И. Войтицкий // Вісник Харківського національного університету ім. В.Н. Карабіна. Серія «математика, прикладна математика і ме-ханіка». — 2009. – Т. 850. – С. 22-36.

8) Войтицкий В.И. Малые движения тяжелой сверхтекучей жидкости в открытом сосуде
//Нелинейные граничные задачи. — 2009. - Т. 19. - С. 29-48.

9) Voytitsky V.I., Kopachevsky N.D., Starkov P.A. Multicomponent transmission problems and auxiliary abstract boundary value problems \\Journal of Math Sciences (Springer). -- 2010. -- Vol. 170., no. 2. -- pp. 131-172.